What would a well-designed business backend UX look like?

Maybe something like…

  • Room to breathe when you’re in client work mode, instead of revisions piling up and projects feeling rushed

  • Processes you can easily hand over to your VA, so you’re not spending all your time on admin tasks that don’t pay the bills

  • A smooth, automated, and personal client experience that doesn’t require you to be so involved at every step

  • You having time, energy, and inspiration to work on passion projects and plan for your business’ future (because you’ve got goals, baby, and it’s about time you reached them)

Erin holding a novel in front of her face

These are NOT unrealistic expectations. In fact…

How about waking up excited to start your day – instead of feeling like you’re already behind?

Or going to bed feeling accomplished – not frustrated because you were busy yet barely made a dent on your actual priorities?

Or (and this is mind-blowing) thinking about work less? And spending your free time doing something you actually enjoy, rather than numbing out by scrolling on Instagram? And having more free time, period?

Yeah. That.


Efficiently run businesses are profitable businesses

and while systems might be boring, they make running your business so much more fun.


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I’m Erin, an OBM for brand & web designers

Lunimae helps make your business more efficient behind the scenes so you can focus on the creative and CEO activities that made you fall in love with entrepreneurship in the first place.

When your systems run smoother, and you have more space to enjoy your work, there’s a kind of ripple effect that happens in your life.

More security. More growth opportunities. More travel. More playtime.

You might be caught in a boom-and-bust cycle of revenue right now, but there’s so much more money to be made—and wonderful clients willing to pay it—when you strike that balance of booked and unbothered.

Let’s knock out your most challenging problem right now.


Uhh, What’s an OBM?

OBM = Online Business Manager

An OBM brings a higher level of strategy to your biz by setting up systems and tech that support a calmer, more productive business.

Whereas VAs follow the instructions you give them, an OBM helps you delegate better to your team (or hire and train them!).

The difference between Lunimae and other OBMs is:

We ONLY work with brand & web designers


We’re deeply familiar with your unique needs, challenges, processes, and tools. And we believe the principles of design also apply to your business systems.

We’re in it for the long-haul


You need a light shining on every new mile marker in your business. And you need the support of someone who is intimately familiar with your business. We’ll stick by your side.

Our hands-on, holistic & strategic support


Working with Lunimae is like having the mindset help of a coach, the strategic brain of a consultant, and the day-to-day support of a high-level admin all rolled into one right-hand team of experts.

We have more experience than most


No shade to our newer peers (we all start somewhere!), but the last thing you need is a newly minted admin who doesn’t see the big picture. Erin brings 12 years of corporate project management experience, a track record of client results, and a team of experts to illuminate the path.

“I also very much felt like I had a partner in this process…”

Hannah Luiz
Novel Marketing

“If you’re feeling overwhelmed in your business, you need an OBM. Specifically, you need Erin. She was able to come into my business to define my processes and give me tools to make them more efficient. Now, I feel more in control of my time and schedule and can provide a better experience for my clients.

I also very much felt like I had a partner in this process. It wasn’t just lots of homework and to-do lists. Erin was right there with me, getting things done and getting processes in place. A sense of control over my business is the biggest and most impactful takeaway from our time together.”

Hannah Luiz



I’m the one who loves to get sh*t done

So much so that I spent years working as a project manager in the IT department of manufacturing companies.

That admittedly sounds boring to most, but I loved the challenge—until 12 years in, when I realized I was craving a mission I could get behind.

I also wanted more adventure. Moving to the beach was one big leap toward that goal. Starting my business was another.

For some reason, I was brazen enough to ask the question, “What’s the worst that’ll happen?” and then go for it.

Now I love my work and the freedom it gives me every day. (Yep, it’s possible!)

Erin holding a novel in front of her face

Some of my favorite ways to recharge my batteries are…

  • Walking my pup Phog at the beach here in Charleston

  • Being mediocre at pottery

  • Traveling whenever and wherever I can (I try to never visit the same place twice, but I’d make an exception for Granada)

I used to think my clients were the ones who were creative—not me.

Now I realize that I’m just creative in a different way. And that having enough energy to bring my left-brain creativity is key to running a business that’s aligned with my values.



from Luna & Illuminate + mænan, an old English verb meaning to intend to do something or purpose

Lunimae = Build Your Freedom

Our Approach


Defining the vision first and the “how” second so the path is refreshingly straightforward.


Asking “why” to uncover deeper motivations, and using tough love in moments of distraction to stay on track toward what really matters.


Building your CEO muscles by helping you make better decisions and envision bolder possibilities.

This is a call-to-action to build your freedom

Enough with the burnout cycle. Let’s tackle your greatest hurdles with smarter systems—together.

Swipe my quick-start guide to making your first hire

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