Leave Your Mind Free to Create by Dumping the Rest

Braindump: What is it?

A braindump is a term to describe removing the ideas and to-dos in your mind and getting it down on paper.

I recommend doing a big braindump initially and then completing these on a daily or hourly basis based on how frequently you start creating a list in your head (or on random post-its). This process not only allows you to become more organized, but it relieves stress. On that note, let’s talk more about the benefits.

Braindump Benefits

The first big braindump will create relief, knowing you have it all documented and secure. This massive weight will be lifted off your shoulders knowing you won’t let a client down because you’ve forgotten a step or a reminder. I’ll be honest, the first braindump will probably give you a little anxiety because you’ll visually see how big that list is.

Thoughts from a client:

“The main benefit from working with you has been not feeling so overwhelmed with all my ideas and dreams in my head. Now when I open my computer I have a plan to accomplish my goals step by step that feels way more attainable than before.”

Once you’ve completed your initial braindump, start doing this process frequently. Don’t wait for the end of a week, do it immediately. The minute you think of a task that isn’t on your list or you have a new idea: dump it.

  • Untangles your brain: keeping all these lists and ideas in your head starts creating a cobweb that clouds your judgement and reduces capacity

  • Relieves Stress: whether you recognize it or not, there is an extra layer of stress to make sure you remember “all the things”

  • Improves Focus: one you have everything in one place, you can prioritize which provides a focus for your daily work

So how exactly do you do a braindump?

You can use pen and paper or type it out into excel. I recommend delineating between tasks and ideas. Once everything is out of your head, find a system to keep it organized moving forward.

I currently recommend ClickUp to keep all your tasks and ideas organized. You’ll be able to schedule work based on your goals and keep your ideas in a place where you can circle back to them when you are ready to take action.

Wrap Up

Once you are in the habit of dumping the list of actions swirling around in your head, you’ll be free to create. You cannot be your full imaginative self while you are bogged down with the weight of a task list in your head.


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